Sunday, August 28, 2011

Vanilla Pastry Studio - Pittsburgh, PA

Today's run was followed by a trip to Vanilla Pastry Studio which is in the East Liberty section of Pittsburgh. For those who don't know the area, you don't go to this section of town at night. Luckily for us, it was daytime and the streets seemed pretty safe. The bakery was easy to find with it's large sandwich board in the front:

We walked in and it was a "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore" moment. The decor was charming and the cupcake display was vast.

It was difficult choosing which cupcake to get this week. They had cookies and cream, chocolate fudge, red velvet, strawberry, and peanut butter cupcakes just to name a few. After much deliberation, I decided on a vanilla caramel cupcake. Even though it was hard to watch it go into the box instead of into my mouth, I took it home to enjoy. (Hubby got a cookies and cream cupcake and the kiddos split some chocolate gobs).

Vanilla's website describes this cupcake as "Vanilla Butter Cupcake with Caramel-Vanilla Buttercream". I am not sure of the make-up of the beads and a cursory Google search didn't help me with that. They were good, that's all I know.

You probably can't tell but I am saying "Hurry up and take this picture so I can eat this cupcake" in my head.

My review for Vanilla as well as the cupcake is A+++. Seriously. Amazing. The buttercream icing was sweet and tasty. And the cake portion was melt in your mouth delicious. It's really a shame that this location isn't closer to my house because I'd love to go back there more often. (FYI: Happened to notice a S'mores cupcake on their online menu and am a bit disappointed those weren't offered today...)

I'm not sure where I am heading next week but seeing that there is an 18 miler on my schedule, I hope to pick somewhere good...

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